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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Sharps Disposal Program

Environmental Health Program

The Florida Department of Health in Orange County Environmental Health Services inspects permits and investigates any complaints associated with facilities that generate, transport and/or treat biomedical waste or dispose of waste improperly.

How Should I Dispose of Used Needles and Syringes?

The Sharps Disposal Program was designed as a community service to provide the residents of Orange County with a safe and environmentally sound method for disposing of used needles or "sharps."

The disposal program is made possible by the participation of the Facilities that Accept Waste Sharps (PDF 104KB). Each of the participating disposal sites has volunteered to provide this service to the community free of any cost to you.

However, it is your cooperation that is essential to the success of this program. In order to make the program run smoothly, it is important that you adhere to following guidelines:

  • Never dispose of a sharps container in your household waste!
  • Attempt to use the disposal site only during the hours it is available.
  • Do not bring sharps to the disposal sites in anything other than the approved sharps containers provided by the site.
  • Always make sure your container is properly sealed. The disposal site has the right to refuse any improperly packaged containers in order to protect the safety of their employees.
  • When disposing of your filled sharps containers, always give the container to authorized personnel.
  • Never leave the container unattended.

Remember, the disposal sites have voluntarily accepted the burden and cost of disposing this potentially harmful waste. Please encourage their continued support by participating responsibly.  The improper disposal of sharps threatens the safety of every member of the community, as they may be contaminated with hepatitis, HIV, and/or other serious diseases.

If you have any questions concerning any of our programs, call Yelitza Jimenez.

Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm, Phone 407-858-1497.