Ordering Certificates
Florida certificates are issued through the Bureau of Vital Statistics at the Department of Health. Orders may be placed in person, by mail, or online through VitalChek.
Order Online Through VitalChek
VitalChek® is the only vendor recommended by the Florida Department of Health. VitalChek® is a 3rd party service, not affiliated with the Florida Department of Health. As such, fees charged by VitalChek® may be different than fees charged when ordering directly through your local health department office. See the links below or contact us for fees charged by the Department of Health.
To Order By Mail Or In Person
Birth Certificates
Learn how to obtain certified birth certificates from the Florida Department of Health in Orange County. Explore secure options for in-person, mail, online, and phone orders, with quick turnaround times and FAQs answered.
Death Certificates
We are currently issuing Florida Death Certificates from 2009 to the present for all Florida Counties.
Marriage Certificates
Marriage certificates can only be issued for marriages occurring in Florida, from June 6, 1927 to the present. Marriage certificates prior to June 6, 1927 are obtainable from the Clerk of Court in the County where the marriage license was issued.
Divorce Certificates
Divorce certificates can only be issued for divorces occurring in Florida, from June 6, 1927 to the present. Divorce certificates prior to June 6, 1927 are obtainable from the Clerk of Court in the County where the divorce was granted.
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