Family Planning and Prenatal Health
Family Planning and Prenatal Health
- 407-858-1487
407-845-6136 -
Mailing Address
6101 Lake Ellenor Drive
Orlando, FL 32809
Family Planning and Prenatal Health
Fax 407-845-6136
6101 Lake Ellenor Drive
Suite 102
Orlando, FL 32809
How can I make an appointment?
Appointments are available and can be made by calling (407) 858-1487.
A wide variety of services are available at our location.
Prenatal Care services include:
| Family Planning services Include:
Can I receive services?
Family planning services are available to every person of childbearing age. Prenatal services are available to uninsured, underinsured or Medicaid-qualified pregnant women residing in Orange County.
Program EligibilityMedicaid - Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women (PEPW) The PEPW program provides temporary coverage for prenatal care only. Our Access to Care Coordinators can assist with the application for this coverage.
Medicaid - Family Planning Waiver Program The Family Planning Waiver Program covers family planning services to eligible women:
For more information and how to apply:
The Medicaid Family Planning Waiver program covers family planning services to eligible women, ages 14 through 55. Services are provided up to 24 months.
For additional information, please call 1-877-254-1055 (8:00 a.m. ET - 5:00 p.m. ET).
Family Planning and Prenatal Health Services are available at the following location:
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